MiscellaneousThese are some of Don's other artworks. You'll find explanations at the buttom of the site.
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01: Original full color artwork in the special limited edition hardback book of "The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck". Gladstone, limited to 1000 copies.
02: A Donald sketch Don did for me at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2000.
03: A copy of Dreidreizehn's Comic Art Catalog. Signed by Don Rosa (also on the Frankfurt Book Fair). The cover drawing was never published before in this way. For the publication in Walt Disney Giant #5 they resized Donald to fit the the framework, removed the C.B. (Carl Barks) and F.G. (Floyd Gottfredson), and let Russell Schroeder redraw Mickey.
04 and 05: Two covers of the German weekly Micky Maus Magazin, featuring the stories "The Treasure of the Ten Avatars" and "The Three Caballeros Ride Again".
06: The cover of German Donald Duck Sonderheft 178 featuring "The Sharpie of the Culebra Cut".
07: A cover artwork for Uncle Scrooge 217 which wasn't used in the end. I bought it some time ago on eBay and it's exclusively shown here.
08 and 09: The covers of German Hall of Fame book 1 - "Don Rosa" and book 6 - "Don Rosa 2".
10 and 11: Two covers of German Die tollsten Geschichten von Donald Duck - Spezial. #1 was titled "Comics von Don Rosa" (comics by Don Rosa) and #2 "Weihnachts-Comics" (christmas comics).
The cover of German Micky Maus Magazin 22/2006, featuring "The Prisoner
of White Agony Creek".